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Business Meeting


Infraestructura para economƭas mƔs verdes

El cambio hacia una economĆ­a verde estĆ” creando un cambio radical en todos los sectores de infraestructura en la actualidad, abriendo atractivas oportunidades de inversiĆ³n en varias Ć”reas. Esta estrategia de infraestructura perpetua buscarĆ” inversiones en megatendencias de transiciĆ³n energĆ©tica y seguridad energĆ©tica, asĆ­ como infraestructura digital y comunitaria, movilidad sostenible y economĆ­a circular.

La estrategia buscarĆ” desplegar capital en negocios totalmente integrados, como servicios pĆŗblicos y jugadores de infraestructura de energĆ­a renovable de extremo a extremo, asĆ­ como activos como centros de datos, tecnologĆ­as de digitalizaciĆ³n de redes, sistemas de almacenamiento de baterĆ­as e instalaciones de almacenamiento y transporte de gas natural. donde adaptables para incorporar hidrĆ³geno. MĆ”s de la mitad de la estrategia se asignarĆ” inicialmente a Europa, y se volverĆ” cada vez mĆ”s global en las prĆ³ximas dĆ©cadas.

GSF tiene la intenciĆ³n de lanzar vehĆ­culos de inversiĆ³n abiertos subyacentes y buscarĆ” socios fundadores en la segunda mitad de 2022.

Sustainable Development 

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.




Several trends are disrupting the traditional funding sources relied upon by many non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Some government donor agencies that fund NGOs have threatened to sharply cut their budgets, as in the US, where 30% cuts have been proposed1, while the UK has signaled that it could start to impose tougher funding restrictions2. At the same time, liquid global capital markets and a greater risk appetite among financiers have expanded the landscape for private financing flows to include social and environmental programs - for example, the growth of green bonds and SDG-linked equity funds. In relative terms, private foreign direct investment flows, remittances, and philanthropic giving far exceed the flow of official government aid to developing economies.


Forms of sustainable finance have grown rapidly in recent years, as a growing number of institutional investors and funds now incorporate various Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing approaches. This growth has been spurred by shifts in demand from across the finance ecosystem, driven both by the search for better long-term financial value, and a pursuit of better alignment with values. This page provides access to many work on monitoring developments in ESG rating and investing.

Educational Equality

Education is vital. We can all agree on this but where we fall out of the agreement is why exactly education is so necessary for equality. Without education, there can be no progress, no development, and no improvement. 

In today’s world, we are ever more aware of the issues surrounding sexism, racism, and inequality, allowing for a greater understanding of the importance of educating people to avoid these biases occurring in the first place.

Green Indoors
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